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Death Happened Now What?

By Cathy Clough  Linda Pouliot

Dear Friend,
It happened and it hurts. You realize it, but you can’t believe it yet. The tears start coming and you wonder if you’ll ever be able to function normally again. Fortunately, the grief journey, like any other process in life, can be learned. Even though it doesn’t feel like it right now, healing is possible. Together we will explore.

Dear Friend,
It happened and it hurts. You realize it, but you can’t believe it yet. The tears start coming and you wonder if you’ll ever be able to function normally again. Fortunately, the grief journey, like any other process in life, can be learned. Even though it doesn’t feel like it right now, healing is possible. Together we will explore.

The 5 needs of every griever.

How to deal with: normal grief guilt, normal grief anger, normal grief depression, and the “dumb” things people say.

Sorting, saving, and purging your loved one’s belongings without regret.

The importance of having a plan for holidays, special days, and the anniversary of the death.

What it means to create a “New Normal.”

How to navigate the path of grief, with all of its pitfalls and potholes, twists and turns, all the way to the destination of healing, acceptance, and new beginnings.  

I Love You Little Mister

By Cameron Walcott

October 5th, 2020 was a typical busy day in the Walcott household, with school, work, two football practices, dinner, prayer and family time all squeezed together as the joyful family went about their day. October 6th was supposed to be another day just like it, until Cameron went downstairs to wake up his oldest son, 13-year-old Caleb, and discovered that he had passed away in his sleep.

October 5th, 2020 was a typical busy day in the Walcott household, with school, work, two football practices, dinner, prayer and family time all squeezed together as the joyful family went about their day. October 6th was supposed to be another day just like it, until Cameron went downstairs to wake up his oldest son, 13-year-old Caleb, and discovered that he had passed away in his sleep.

In this book, Cameron Walcott describes his family’s struggle towards hope in the midst of unexplainable, extraordinary tragedy. He details the inner struggles he went through and is still going through, having been deprived of his beloved son so unexpectedly. How can we continue to hope in God when everything has been taken away from us?

We also are given stories from Caleb’s life, that will resonate with all parents. We see glimpses into the extremely close relationship Cameron and Caleb shared (as well as glimpses of Caleb’s relationship with the rest of his family). Caleb lived life to the fullest in his short 13 years, excelling in school, sports, music, writing, and walking with God.

Whatever sort of pain you are going through, whatever degree of tragedy you are facing, this book will encourage you to continue to hope in the goodness of God. 

A Grace Disguised

By Jerry Sittser
(expanded edition)

Loss came suddenly for Jerry Sittser. In an instant, a tragic car accident claimed three generations of his family: his mother, his wife, and his young daughter. While most of us will not experience such a catastrophic loss in our lifetime, all of us will face some kind of loss in life. But we can, if we choose, know the grace that transforms us.

Loss came suddenly for Jerry Sittser. In an instant, a tragic car accident claimed three generations of his family: his mother, his wife, and his young daughter. While most of us will not experience such a catastrophic loss in our lifetime, all of us will face some kind of loss in life. But we can, if we choose, know the grace that transforms us.

Whether your suffering has come in the form of chronic illness, disability, divorce, unemployment, crushing disappointment, or the loss of someone you love, Sittser will help you put your thoughts into words in a way that will guide you deeper into your own healing process.

This revised edition of A Grace Disguised plumbs the depths of our sorrows, asks questions many people are afraid to ask, and provides hope in its answers:

Will the pain ever subside?

Will my life ever be good again?

Will the depression ever lift?

Will I ever overcome the bitterness I feel?

What is God’s plan in all of this?

The circumstances are not important; what we do with those circumstances is. In coming to the end of ourselves, we can come to the beginning of a new life.  

The Silent Storm: Finding Faith in the Chaos of Grief

By Sara Hopson

Trying to reconcile a good and loving God with the pain of grief can feel like a raging storm. When our own humanity so violently clashes with the nature of God, it is easy to get lost in the waves. Yet, in the chaos of the wind and rain, there can be peace. Our pain does not negate God’s love. Explore the dichotomy of faith and grief in this book about lessons learned from personal experience in reconciling a loving God with the pain of loss.

Journey into the Looking Glass

By Dr. Mary Welsh

Author Dr. Mary Welsh understands the pain and agony of losing her daughter and shares her grief journey to make the journey more tolerable for others. She takes you through The Four Aspects of Positive Reflection: Remembering, Reflecting, Recreating, and Relating.

Author Dr. Mary Welsh understands the pain and agony of losing her daughter and shares her grief journey to make the journey more tolerable for others. She takes you through The Four Aspects of Positive Reflection: Remembering, Reflecting, Recreating, and Relating.

“Dr. Mary takes us on her journey with respect for our losses and our loved ones. Her work is easy to digest, small bite size segments when comprehension is hard and life is harder.”

“Her mission and passion are expressed as she shares with you powerful revelations and easy steps to help you start walking forward again.”

“She gives advice on how to handle the tough days while helping the bereaved put purpose back into their lives. Every facet of the mourning process is covered with helpful advice and areas to reflect on your own emotions. Hard to put down. Big thumbs up!”

“Dr. Mary provides a progressive and positive approach to changing this negative self-talk by replacing the “What If” statement with “But I/we Did Statement.” The changing of this internal self-talk is a key enabler I moving forward in the grief journey.”

“Her intuitive approach provides a foundation for self-reflection, self-discovery, and finding a way to honor loved ones and yourself.”

Author and National Speaker, Dr. Mary Welsh speaks from the heart, sharing her stories, and how to look for the positive in any situation. These reflections enable a person to embody a different positive perspective than the negative self-talk of being a victim or injured party. Life is full of lessons, overcoming the loss of a child positions someone to pick up the pieces of a world torn apart and find the ability to live again with a ‘new normal.’ Learn to overcome any type of adversity.

She took her tragedy of her daughter’s death, her passion, and purpose, and created a stage for positive interactions with children, young adults, family, friends, and those grieving or facing adverse situations through her positive perspective, purpose, teachings, and interactions. Her hope is they find peace with their “new normal” following The Four Aspects of Positive Reflection strategy.

Through this book, you will embrace your ‘new normal’ and find yourself in the bereavement process following the loss of a child. Your objectives will include finding purpose from grief, finding your new normal after death, finding hope in bereavement, expressing emotions from the death of a loved one, caring for yourself in bereavement, finding the purpose of meditation and journaling, and overcoming the difficulty of expressing your emotions and feelings as you learn to survive the loss of a child.

The Cardinal's Gift

By Carole Heaney
Illustrated by Marlo Garnsworthy

Rachel’s daddy died, and she is having a hard time adjusting. When tragedy affects Rachel’s family, she struggles to get out of bed and pay attention at school. But things begin to change when a special bird appears.

Rachel’s daddy died, and she is having a hard time adjusting. When tragedy affects Rachel’s family, she struggles to get out of bed and pay attention at school. But things begin to change when a special bird appears. She loses interest in playing with her friends, and she is fearful of forgetting special things about Daddy. Then one morning, she receives a visit and a little encouragement from a playful and persistent cardinal.

This is a true story of how a cardinal offered hope to a grieving family struggling to adjust to their loss.  

The Gift of Hope Booklet (qty1)

Our Gift of Hope Booklets are the perfect size to fit in a card. These are wonderful words to share with a griever during their time of loss.  

The Gift of Hope Booklet (qty3)

Our Gift of Hope Booklets are the perfect size to fit in a card. These are wonderful words to share with a griever during their time of loss.  

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