Heroes of hope

Healing begins when hope is found, and every gift makes a difference.

The loss of a loved one eventually touches us all. From husbands, wives, parents, and children to grandparents, siblings, and friends – loss affects everyone. Whether you have known grief personally, or know others in need of support, consider partnering with New Hope. 

When you join the “Heroes of Hope” monthly donor program, you can help those who are grieving find healing and new beginnings. With your ongoing support, New Hope can continue to be there for those in need. Contact our office to become part of the Hero’s of Hope program.

Your Gift:

  • $10 per month ($120 per year) supports an individual through one of our seminars.
  • $25 per month ($300) per year supports one child through New Hope’s Kids Camp.
  • $50 per month ($600 per year) provides support services to a family of four.
  • $100 per month ($1,200 per year) supports a group through the “From Grief to New Hope” Eight Week Workshop.