Event Series Starting Again – Northville

Starting Again – Northville

Ward Church 40000 Six Mile Rd., Northville, MI, United States

Navigating through grief after the death of a spouse is incredibly difficult, but you don’t have to go through the process alone. Starting Again is a peer-led grief support program for widows and widowers. We provide a forum where people can share their experiences with others who have gone through a similar loss. Discussions include […]

Family Friday

Plymouth First United Methodist Church 45201 N. Territorial Road, Plymouth, Michigan

Part of our Circles of Hope program which provides a family-centered approach to grief support by investing in children, supporting parents, and strengthening the family.  Throughout the year, we offer this monthly family-based program. Dinner is provided, along with break-out sessions, discussions, and activities to provide tools to help navigate the grief journey. We offer […]

Beginning the Grief Journey Seminar

Plymouth First United Methodist Church 45201 N. Territorial Road, Plymouth, Michigan

Part of our Circles of Hope program which provides a family-centered approach to grief support by investing in children, supporting parents, and strengthening the family.  Throughout the year, we offer this monthly family-based program. Dinner is provided, along with break-out sessions, discussions, and activities to provide tools to help navigate the grief journey. We offer […]

Event Series Widow’s Group

Widow’s Group (Virtual)

Navigating through grief after the death of a spouse is incredibly difficult, but you do not have to go through that process alone. A support program for women of all ages who have lost their husbands, whether early in grief, or years removed from their loss. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85878095576?pwd=a1dZZWRkOVRIRlNJa1ZiNHRCSi9aZz09

Event Series Widow’s Group

Widow’s Group (Virtual)

Navigating through grief after the death of a spouse is incredibly difficult, but you do not have to go through that process alone. A support program for women of all ages who have lost their husbands, whether early in grief, or years removed from their loss. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85878095576?pwd=a1dZZWRkOVRIRlNJa1ZiNHRCSi9aZz09

Event Series Starting Again – Farmington Hills

Starting Again – Farmington Hills

Faith Covenant Church 35415 W. 14 Mile RD, Farmington Hills, MI, United States

Navigating through grief after the death of a spouse is incredibly difficult, but you don’t have to go through the process alone. Starting Again is a peer-led grief support program for widows and widowers. We provide a forum where people can share their experiences with others who have gone through a similar loss. Discussions include […]

Event Series Loss Due to Suicide

Loss Due to Suicide

New Hope Center for Grief Support 133 W. Main St. Suite 113, Northville, MI, United States

Navigating through grief after a suicide is incredibly difficult, but you do not have to go through that process alone. We want to give you a safe space to talk about your grief and some of the unique challenges you may be facing. Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93191471578?pwd=eUxCL3NKdXMxK3d5ekd2YVRHV3ZqUT09 

Event Series Parents of Hope Northville

Parents of Hope Northville

New Hope Center for Grief Support 133 W. Main St. Suite 113, Northville, MI, United States

Navigating through grief after the death of a child is incredibly difficult, but you do not have to go through that process alone. As a peer support group, we want to give you a safe space to talk about your grief with others who have experienced a similar loss and help support you through the […]