Other Ways to Give
We are very grateful for our donors and could not serve our mission without you! Beyond traditional donations, there are several other ways you can support New Hope Center for Grief Support.
Many people don’t know that they can designate a local charity to be the recipient of their United Way contribution. If you’d like New Hope Center for Grief Support to receive your donation, check with your Human Resource Department to see what you need to do, then let us know so that we can add you to our list of United Way contributors.
Many employers have matching gift programs, but few employees actually take advantage of this opportunity. You can double your contribution to New Hope Center for Grief Support by requesting that your employer match your tax-deductible gift to us.
If you are interested in doubling your contribution, please reach out to your employer to see if they offer a matching gift program.
In-kind gifts may be used for silent auctions for fundraising, or items that we need for the operation of New Hope services. Possibilities for silent auction donations include tickets for airline travel, concerts or sporting events; travel packages for lodging and meals for two or more; adventure opportunities such as skiing, horseback riding, ballooning, golf, or spa treatments. Items that can be used for the operation of New Hope include services such as printing or graphic design, beverages such as coffee pods, juice boxes or bottled water. Just about anything used in an office is also welcomed – copy paper, pens, paper plates, napkins, plasticware and cleaning supplies.
If you are interested in making an in-kind gift, please reach out to our team at griefhelp@newhopecenter.net for additional information.
Did you know that you can shop from home and help New Hope Center for Grief Support at the same time? Click on to www.igive.com/newhope and register your name with igive.com. Follow the directions and, each time you shop, go to igive.com and check out the 400+ stores that participate by contributing a percentage of their sales to New Hope through igive.com. It costs you no additional money and New Hope gets a percentage of the purchase price! Some of the stores that participate include: Marshall Field’s, the Gap, Lands’ End, JCPenney, Best Buy, and Coldwater Creek.
If you are interested in participating in iGive and have questions, please reach out to our team at griefhelp@newhopecenter.net for additional information.
It only Takes 5 Minutes to Sign up! To register your Kroger Plus Card with New Hope go on-line at www.krogercommunityrewards.com. Click on Sign in/Register To the far right under the New Customer column click Sign Up Today Find the “preferred store” closest to you. Enter your zip code and select the store. Enter your email address and password- at the bottom of page-click confirm Once you agree to terms, Kroger will send you an email Go to your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email to confirm your account Click on “my account” and use your email address and password to proceed Scroll down to “Edit Kroger Community Rewards” and input your Kroger plus card number and click “save changes” Go to #1 and then enter the NPO# for New Hope 84667- save changes. To verify you are enrolled, New Hope should appear as your community rewards recipient on the right side of the information page.
If you are interested in donating to New Hope while you shop at Kroger and have any questions about the registration process, please reach out to our team at griefhelp@newhopecenter.net for additional information.
SHARE Detroit helps 450+ nonprofits fulfill their missions by raising support and service, year-round. Our free platform at ShareDetroit.org focused on connecting donors and supporters to community-wide causes. We encourage you to leverage the power of your SHARE Detroit nonprofit profile to increase your nonprofit’s visibility and reach. The most successful SHARE Detroit members are regularly updating and promoting their profiles to recruit new donors, volunteers and supporters.
#GivingTuesdayDetroit is the local, unified expression of the global Giving Tuesday movement in the metro Detroit community. This is our region’s biggest giving day of the year. In the past decade, Giving Tuesday has grown into a global force that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate and celebrate generosity.
Giving Tuesday is driving a net increase in giving. The movement continues to grow in year-over-year donation volume, reach and impact. SHARE Detroit launched in 2021, and the first #GivingTuesdayDetroit raised $8,734,110. Last year, those donations raised to $9,048,521.